Dec. 13, 2023 School Committee Meetings

Dec. 13, 2023 School Committee Meetings
Posted on 12/11/2023
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Quincy School Committee Policy Subcommittee

Wednesday, December 13, 2023 at 6:15 pm
Coddington Building, School Committee Room

Mr. Paul Bregoli, Chair
Mr. Doug Gutro & Mrs. Kathryn Hubley, Subcommittee Members

  1. Proposed Revision of School Committee Policy Section 2.5.7 School Committee-Staff Communications - Mr. Bregoli

Members of the public can access the meeting in person or live on QATV Channel 22 or at The meeting will also be recorded for rebroadcast and posted on Friday, December 15, 2023 on the QPS YouTube channel




Quincy School Committee Policy Subcommittee Meeting

A meeting of the Policy Subcommittee was held on December 13, 2023 at 6:15 pm in the Coddington Building. Present were Subcommittee member Mr. Doug Gutro, Mrs. Kathryn Hubley, and Mr. Paul Bregoli, Subcommittee Chair. Also present were Mayor Thomas P. Koch and School Committee Members Mrs. Tina Cahill, Mr. Frank Santoro, and Mrs. Emily Lebo; Superintendent Kevin Mulvey, Assistant Superintendent Erin Perkins, Ms. Kim Connolly, Mr. Michael Draicchio, Ms. Julie Graham, Mr. Michael Marani, Ms. Maura Papile, Mr. Keith Segalla, Mr. Larry Taglieri; and Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk.

Mr. Bregoli reviewed that a proposed revision to School Committee Policy Book Section 2.5.7 School Committee-Staff Communications is before the Policy Subcommittee for review. Mrs. Hubley noted that the proposed revision was shared with School Committee by their Legal Counsel Attorney Sarah Spatafore, based on updates recommended by the Massachusetts Association of School Committees.

Mrs. Hubley suggested adding to the first sentence of the second paragraph “or in their absence, the Assistant Superintendent or the Director of Student Support Services”.

Mrs. Hubley moved the revision of School Committee Policy Section 2.5.7 to the full School Committee, as amended.

Mr. Gutro asked if this precludes School Committee from talking to a Principal, Mrs. Lebo said this is specifically for official communication.

Mr. Gutro asked whether School Committee has to authorize individual member visits to schools. Mrs. Lebo and Mrs. Hubley agreed that this was not needed.

The motion was seconded by Mr. Gutro.

On the motion, Mr. Santoro agreed that this is an important update so that School Committee members are not conducting business as individuals.

On a voice vote, the ayes have it. The revised policy will appear on the January 24, 2024 Agenda for discussion and will be eligible for vote at the February 7, 2024 meeting.

Mrs. Hubley made a motion to adjourn at 6:25 pm, seconded by Mr. Gutro. On a voice vote, the ayes have it.


Regular Meeting of the Quincy School Committee

Wednesday, December 13, 2023, 6:30 pm
Coddington Building, School Committee Room

I. Approval of Minutes:

A. Regular Meeting Minutes for November 15, 2023

B. Executive Session Minutes for November 15, 2023

II. Open Forum: An opportunity for community input regarding the Quincy Public Schools. Community in this context is defined as a resident of the City of Quincy, a parent of a student who attends the Quincy Public Schools, or an employee of the Quincy Public Schools. Non-community persons not permitted to speak at Open Forum may submit written statements to the School Committee. After giving his or her name and address, each speaker may make a presentation of no more than four minutes to the School Committee. An individual may not exchange their time or yield to others.
Interested parties may also submit written statements to: [email protected].

III. Superintendent’s Report

A. Christmas Poster Contest Winners

B. John & Abigail Adams Scholarships

C. North Quincy High School Quiz Show Team

D. QNQ Marching Band Update

E. QPS Middle School Robotics Update

F. QPS Winter Concerts

IV. Old Business:

V. New Business:

A. Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging Program Improvement Plan - Ms. Connolly

B. Teacher Diversification Pilot Program Grant: $92,738.00 (VOTE) - Superintendent Mulvey

C. Donation of Snug Harbor Community School Playground Communication Board Valued at $1,500.00 (VOTE) - Superintendent Mulvey

D. School Committee Policy Sections 7.5.2 AED Policy; 7.5.3 CPR Training/Heimlich Maneuver; 9.9.7 Field Trips, Excursions, & Student Travel; 10.11 Student Health Services & Requirements; 10.11.1 Physical Examination of Students; 10.11.2 Immunization of Students; 10.11.3 Communicable Diseases; 10.11.4 Administering Medication to Students; 10.11.5 Management of Life-Threatening Allergies (LTA) Requiring Epipens; 10.12.3 Outdoor Weather Policy - Mrs. Cahill
for referral to Policy Subcommittee

E. 2024-2025 School Committee Meeting Calendar - Mr. Bregoli
for referral to the Policy Subcommittee

F. 2024-2025 QPS School Year Calendar - Mr. Bregoli
for referral to the Policy Subcommittee

G. Student Travel (In-State/Overnight): March 6-8, 2024 - Superintendent Mulvey
Quincy High School Student Council to the Massachusetts Association of Student Councils Conference in Hyannis, Massachusetts (VOTE)

H. Memorandum of Agreement between the Quincy School Committee and Teamsters Local 122 for the Quincy Public Schools Security Force Association (VOTE) - Mayor Koch

I. Memorandum of Agreement between the Quincy School Committee and Teamsters Local 122 for the Quincy Public Schools Bus Attendants (VOTE) - Mayor Koch

J. Educator Evaluation Rubrics for the Quincy Education Association, Unit C (VOTE) - Mayor Koch

K. Memorandum of Agreement between the Quincy School Committee and SEIU Local 888 for the Quincy Public Schools Food Service Workers Chapter (VOTE) - Mayor Koch

VI. Additional Business:

VII. Communications:

A. Upcoming School Committee Meetings: Special Organizational Meeting on January 10, 2024 at 6:00 pm; Regular Meetings on January 24, 2024; February 7, 2024; March 6 and March 20, 2024 at 6:30 pm at the Coddington Building.

B. Thank You Letter to School Committee from Mrs. Ann Ryan

VIII. Reports of Subcommittees

IX. Executive Session: Level 3 Grievance, Contract Negotiations

X. Adjournment:


Quincy, MASSACHUSETTS – December 13, 2023

Regular Meeting of the Quincy School Committee

Regular Meeting

Vice-Chair Presiding

A meeting of the Quincy School Committee was held on Wednesday, December 13, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. in the School Committee Room at the Coddington Building. Superintendent Kevin Mulvey called the roll and present were Mayor Thomas P. Koch, School Committee Chair and School Committee Members Mr. Paul Bregoli, Ms. Tina Cahill, Mr. Doug Gutro, Mrs. Kathryn Hubley, Mrs. Emily Lebo, and School Committee Vice Chair Mr. Frank Santoro.

Also present were: Superintendent Kevin Mulvey, Assistant Superintendent Erin Perkins, Ms. Kim Connolly, Ms. Allison Cox, Mr. Michael Draicchio, Ms. Julie Graham, Mr. Michael Marani, Mr. James Mullaney, Ms. Maura Papile, Mr. Keith Segalla, Mr. Lawrence Taglieri; NQHS Student Representative Amy Tan, QHS Student Representative Mollie Smith-Gaeta; and Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk.

School Committee observed a moment of silence for the following Quincy Public Schools employees and retirees who passed away recently: Marie White (current employee), school bus driver for five years; Eugene Macomber, 30-year veteran of Quincy Public Schools, started as a Physical Education teacher and football coach at Quincy High School, then moved to be a Dean and later Assistant Principal at North Quincy High School; Jane Potenza, teacher at Snug Harbor and Merrymount elementary schools for 15 years; Gerald Ridge, 35 years with Quincy Public Schools, was first a Special Education Teacher at Broad Meadows and Quincy High School, and then was a Guidance Counselor at North Quincy High School; and Joan Youngman, retired after 36 years as a teacher at the Willard, Mass Fields, Merrymount, and Parker Elementary Schools

Ms. Owens read the following statement into the record: Pursuant to the Open Meeting Law, any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may transmit the meeting through any medium. Attendees are therefore advised that such recordings or transmissions are being made whether perceived or unperceived by those present and are deemed acknowledged and permissible.


Approval of Minutes

Mr. Bregoli made a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting for November 15, 2023. Mrs. Cahill seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.

Mrs. Hubley made a motion to approve the minutes of the Executive Session for November 15, 2023. Mrs. Lebo seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.


Open Forum

As no one wished to speak at Open Forum, School Committee went on to the next item on the agenda.


Superintendent’s Report

Superintendent Mulvey opened the Superintendent’s Report by congratulating the winners of the annual Quincy Sun Christmas Poster Contest. The winning students were invited to ride on a float in the recent Quincy Christmas Parade and their posters are displayed in the windows of the Quincy Sun offices on Hancock Street. For Grades 1-3: Chasity Tai from Lincoln Hancock, Grade 3 (1st place); Anvi Goyal, Wollaston, Grade 2 (2nd place); Vihaan Badri Narayanan from Clifford Marshall, Grade 3 (3rd place); for Grades 4-5: Elliot Martinez from Lincoln Hancock, Grade 4 (1st place); Bella Lu from Squantum, Grade 5 (2nd place); Savanna Nguyen from Snug Harbor, Grade 5 (Honorable Mention)

Superintendent Mulvey extended congratulations to the 198 graduating seniors in the class of 2024 who have been awarded the John & Abigail Adams Scholarships for scoring in the top 25% district-wide on the MCAS Assessments. The scholarship covers eight semesters of tuition at any University of Massachusetts, state university, or community college campus.

Season 15 of WGBH’s High School Quiz Show is underway, and North Quincy High School’s team has already made it through the qualifying round. They will face Lexington High School on March 23 at 6:30 pm.

For the Quincy Public Schools Band Program, at the elementary level there were 332 total new instrument rentals for the beginning band and strings program. After-school strings program began in October with a record 230 students participating in 22 beginner classes and 13 continuing classes throughout the city. In addition, there are 80 beginning orchestra students in two orchestras and 32 students in the more advanced John Adams Orchestra.

The Quincy-North Quincy High School Marching Band and Colorguard had a very exciting season; highlights include a silver medal at the Quincy MICCA Finals and a historic second-place finish at the New England Band Association Finals Championships. They also garnered a third consecutive title in the Quincy Christmas Parade.

Thirty-nine choir and band students recently auditioned for the MMEA Eastern Senior District Festival. Nine students were accepted into the festival with four receiving All-State recommendations.

For QPS Middle School Robotics, the First Lego League Qualifying Event was held on December 9, with each middle schools sending teams and over 70 Quincy Public Schools students competed at the event. Both of the Point Webster teams advanced to the State Championship and Point Webster Technology/Engineering teacher Lisa Chin received the Coach/Mentor Award for the event.

Superintendent Mulvey noted that the Winter Concert schedule was shared with School Committee in their packets and calendar invitations have been sent out for all of the dates. The schedule has been shared on the Quincy Public Schools website and social media and videos will be available on the QPS YouTube channel for those who were not able to attend in person.


New Business

EDIB Program Improvement Plan

Director Kim Connolly presented the Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging Program Improvement Plan, reviewing efforts to increase the diversity of Quincy Public Schools staff members backgrounds, including professional staff and paraprofessionals. Initiatives to support this include outreach to local colleges and universities to recruit, providing pathways for current employees to gain licensure and degrees, become an active partner in Massachusetts School Equity Leaders and the Massachusetts Partnership for Diversity in Education, and applying for and receiving a Teacher Diversification Grant.

Through grant funding, a mentoring program was introduced at Broad Meadows Middle School and Quincy High School. Thirty-nine students were part of the internship program, working at elementary and middle schools during the 4th quarter of the 2022-23 school year.

Ms. Connolly is collaborating on Professional Development opportunities with Curriculum and Student Support staff members. Culturally responsive teaching practices are supported through monthly newsletters provided to school staff. Ms. Connolly reviewed progress towards goals set in last year’s Program Improvement Plan and outlined new action steps for the continuation goals for the 2023-2024 school year. Resources for families will be expanded through the creation of a DEI page on the website and the acquisition of communication devices providing simultaneous interpretation.

Mr. Gutro thanked Ms. Connolly for her efforts to increase staff member diversity. Ms. Connolly said the outreach to different colleges and universities and attending employment fairs has been effective. Ms. Connolly said the effort to increase the number of students in the pipeline is the most important, we can grow staff from our alumni.

Mr. Gutro asked how the principals are supported in their endeavors to diversify the curriculum resources. Ms. Connolly maintains shared lists of suggested titles.

Mrs. Cahill asked about how we are assisting colleges/universities with sharing information about their programs. Mrs. Cahill said the Quincy Public Schools Early Education & Childcare programs are a strong pipeline. Mrs. Cahill asked about the MTELs, students can take them prior to receiving their bachelor’s degrees. Students cannot be licensed teachers without a Bachelor’s Degree, but students are being encouraged to take the tests earlier when they are closer to the content being tested.

Mrs. Lebo said some schools are not admitting students to the Education programs until they pass the MTELs, since they are graded on how many graduates successfully complete licensure.

Mrs. Lebo asked what a “stay interview” is, Ms. Connolly said that it is a check-in with a staff member about their career path and aspirations, relationship building to retain employees.

Mr. Gutro asked if discrimination is tracked for discrimination based on race, sex, harassment, etc. Ms. Perkins said that Aspen tracks incident data, data can be disaggregated.

Ms. Tan asked how students are encouraged or empowered to report incidents, students may be reluctant to come forward, so maybe a digital submission process can be created. Ms. Perkins said there is a link on the website to submit an anonymous report; students can also report to a trusted adult.

Mr. Gutro made a motion to approve the Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging Program Improvement Plan. Mrs. Hubley seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.


New Business

Grant: Teacher Diversification Pilot Grant (VOTE)

Superintendent Mulvey shared that for the 2023-2024 school year, a Teacher Diversification Pilot Program Grant of $92,738 was awarded to Quincy Public Schools by the Department of Elementary & Secondary Education.

Mr. Gutro made a motion to accept the Teacher Diversification Pilot Program Grant of $92,738.00 from the Department of Elementary & Secondary Education. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Lebo and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it, 7-0.


New Business

Donation of a Communications Board

Superintendent Mulvey announced that thanks to QPS parent Nicole O’Hare, a communication board valued at $1,500.00 has been donated for the Snug Harbor Community School playground.

Mrs. Lebo made a motion to accept the donation of a communication board for the Snug Harbor playground, valued at $1,500.00. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bregoli and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it, 7-0.


New Business

Referral of Health- Related Policies to Policy Subcommittee

Mrs. Cahill made a motion to move School Committee Policy Book Sections 7.5.2 AED Policy; 7.5.3 CPR Training/Heimlich Maneuver; 9.9.7 Field Trips, Excursions & Student Travel; 10.11 Student Health Services & Requirements; 10.11.1 Physical Examination of Students; 10.11.2 Immunization of Students; 10.11.3 Communicable Diseases; 10.11.4 Administering Medication to Students; 10.11.5 Management of Life-Threatening Allergies (LTA) Requiring Epipens; 10.12.3 Outdoor Weather Policy to the Policy Subcommittee. Mr. Bregoli seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.


New Business

Referral of 2024-2025 School Committee Meeting Calendar to Policy Subcommittee

Mr. Bregoli made a motion to move the 2024-2025 School Committee Meeting Calendar to the Policy Subcommittee. Mrs. Hubley seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it.


New Business

Referral of 2024-2025 QPS School Year Calendar to Policy Subcommittee

Mr. Bregoli made a motion to move the 2024-2025 QPS School Year Calendar to the Policy Subcommittee. Mrs. Lebo seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it.


New Business

Overnight/In State Travel (VOTE)

Mrs. Hubley made a motion to approve the Overnight/In State Travel of Quincy High School Student Council to the Massachusetts Association of School Committees Conference in Hyannis, Massachusetts from March 6-8, 2024. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Cahill and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.


New Business

MOA for Teamsters/ Security (VOTE)

Mrs. Lebo made a motion to approve the Memorandum of Agreement between the Quincy School Committee and Teamsters Local 122 for the Quincy Public Schools Security Force Association. Mrs. Hubley seconded the motion, and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it, 7-0.


New Business

MOA for Teamsters/ Bus Attendants (VOTE)

Mr. Gutro made a motion to approve the Memorandum of Agreement between the Quincy School Committee and Teamsters Local 122 for the Quincy Public Schools Bus Attendants. Mrs. Cahill seconded the motion, and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it, 7-0.


New Business

Educator Evaluation Rubics for QEA, Unit C

Mrs. Cahill made a motion to approve the Educator Evaluation Rubrics for the Quincy Education Association, Unit C. Mrs. Lebo seconded the motion, and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it, 6-0.


New Business

MOA for Food Services (VOTE)

Mr. Bregoli made a motion to approve the Memorandum of Agreement between the Quincy School Committee and SEIU Local 888 for the Quincy Public Schools

Food Service Workers Chapter. Mrs. Hubley seconded the motion, and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it, 7-0.


Additional Business

Superintendent Mulvey noted that tonight is Vice Chair Mr. Santoro’s final meeting as a member of School Committee, thanked him for his service to the Quincy Public Schools and the Quincy community.

A graduate of North Quincy High School, Mr. Santoro spent over 40 years as an education professional, beginning his career in Boston Public Schools and then moving to Brookline Public Schools. During his years teaching outside of Quincy, Mr. Santoro was always involved in the Quincy community, serving two terms on the Quincy School Committee during challenging times from 1986 to 1993, and also served on the Park Board and the Quincy College Board. Mr. Santoro joined Quincy Public Schools first as Principal of Central Middle School, later at Quincy High School, where his vision for the design of the new building is one enduring example of his legacy. In his retirement years, Frank has continued to contribute to Quincy through his work with the Quincy Art Association and the QArts Gallery, the Quincy College Board of Governors, and the Quincy Asian Resources Board.

We have been fortunate to have Mr. Santoro back on School Committee for these past four years, his experience and guidance so valuable during the simultaneous leadership transition and COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021. His leadership and experience in the development of the DeCristofaro Learning Center and the Squantum Elementary School buildings will definitely be seen in the student, staff and community focused designs of these beautiful and state-of-the art facilities. In addition to being the Vice Chair for the last two years, Mr. Santoro has served on the Facilities, Transportation & Security; Teaching & Learning; and Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Subcommittees and meaningfully participated in nearly 200 regular and subcommittee meetings.

Mayor Koch noted that Mr. Santoro has always been calm and thoughtful, Quincy Public Schools are far better because of his commitment and concern.

Mr. Bregoli, Mr. Gutro, and Mrs. Hubley all thanked Mr. Santoro for his service and collegiality.


NQHS Student Representative Ms. Tan asked if the MOAs will be available to the public and Superintendent Mulvey said they will be posted on the Quincy Public Schools website.

Ms. Tan asked about Executive Session, Superintendent Mulvey said this is allowed for a narrow group of categories, personnel or contract negotiations.



Mr. Santoro noted upcoming School Committee Meetings: the Special Organizational Meeting on January 10, 2024 at 6:00 pm; Regular Meetings on January 24, 2024; February 7, 2024; March 6 and March 20, 2024 at 6:30 pm at the Coddington Building.

Ms. Owens read a letter to School Committee from Mrs. Ann Kenneally-Ryan thanking them for the recent tribute to her brother, former Quincy Public Schools Band Director Richard Kenneally.


Reports of Subcommittees

There were no Reports of Subcommittees.


Executive Session

Mrs. Lebo made a motion to move to Executive Session for the Purpose of Hearing a Level 3 Grievance and Contract Negotiations at 7:25 pm. Mr. Bregoli seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it, 7-0.

School Committee will not return to Regular Session.



Since School Committee will not return to Regular Session, the meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm.
